Thursday, January 30, 2020

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                                                              YOGA AND LIFESTYLE


Indeed, it is astonishing  fact that a yogic tradition, which is more than five thousand years old, has recently become a popular way of life.
Presently, people consider that yoga is a significant means to achieve  a healthy as well as a positive lifestyle.
According to patanjali, asana means, “sthiram sukham aasanam” i.e., “that position which is comfortable and steady”.
Benefits of Asana for prevention of diseases
a)    Circulation of blood becomes normal: as a result of practicing asanas regularly, the stroke volume as well as cardiac output increase because cardiac muscles start working more strongly and efficiency.
b)    Bones and joint become strong: as a result of practicing asanas regularly, the bones, cartilages and ligaments become strong. Along with this, the height of children is enhanced.
c)     Respiratory organs become efficient: by doing asana regularly, the respiratory organs become efficient. The vital air capacity increases up to 6000cc. the size of lungs and chest also enhances. As a result of doing asanas, the will power become strong and various diseases such as cough, asthma and cancer of trachea can be prevented.
d)    Efficiency of digestive system of our body begin to work effectively. The absorption o food become efficient. The storage of bile in gall bladder in concentrated from is enhanced, appetite increases, stomach and intestines are also strengthened.
e)    Nervous system strengthen:
f)      Glandular activity is stimulated and regulated properly:
g)    Efficiency of excretory system enhances:
h)    Immune system is strengthened

Nowadays, obesity has become an enormous as well a a fatal health problem. this problem is not only seen in India but is prevalent in other countries also. Even in united states of America, one out of three adults and one out of five children and teenagers are facing problem of obesity. “Obesity is that condition of the body in which the amount of fat increases  to extreme levels.”
Obesity can be prevented the following asanas are performed regularly.
Procedure: it is a meditative asana. Kneel down on the ground or floor with your knees, ankles and toes touching the ground. Your toes should be stretched backward. Now place your palms of your hands on the knees. the upper body should be straight. At this time, the breathing should be deep, even and slow. Then expand your chest forward and pull your abdominal portion inwards.
1.    It is helpful in improving concentration.
2.    It is helpful in curing dysentery, back pain and chest diseases.
3.    It enhances memory power.
4.    It cures the problems related to menstruation.
5.    It strengthens the pelvic muscles.
6.    It removes postural defects.
7.    It prevents hernia and gives relief from piles
8.    It help in reducing hipfat.
A person suffering from joint pain should not perform vajrasana.
The individuals who have any spinal column problem should not perform vajarasana.
The individuals who have some difficulty in movement should do vajrasana with a lot of care.
Procedure: bend forward until the fingers or palms of the hands touch the floor on either side of the feet. Try to touch the knee with the forehead. do not strain. Keep the knees straight. Exhale while bending forward. try to contract the abdomen in the final position to expel the maximum amount of air from the lungs.
1.    Pada hastasana make the body very flexible. It stretches the back and leg muscles.
2.    It help to eliminate excess belly fat.
3.    It improves digestion and reduces constipation. It cures many stomach ailments.
4.    It makes the spine flexible and tones the nerves.
5.    It improves blood circulation.
The individuals who have back pain should avoid this asana. At least, they should not bend forward fully. They can bend themselves only as far comfortable.