Sunday, March 1, 2020

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The production of new organisms from the existing organisms of the same species is known as reproduction. Reproduction is important for survival of a species on this earth. The growth of reproduction secure presenting of life on earth. Reproduction through human beings secure that the human species will present to exist on this earth for all the time to come. reproduction gives growth to more organisms with the same basic feature as their parents. For example, human beings ever produce human babies; cats ever produce kittens; dog ever produce puppies and apple seeds ever produce apple plants.
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There are many various ways in which new organisms are produce from their parents. Like Amoeba just split into two parts to produce new Amoeba; hydra and yeast grow out of the parent’s body in the form of a bud; and other organisms like birds ad snakes hatch out of the eggs lay through their parents; whereas some organisms like human babies, cub, kittens and puppies are born from their mother.
There are two method of reproduction in living organisms:
1 Asexual reproduction, and
2 Sexual reproduction.
   Reproduction cells (called sex cells, ‘gametes’ or ‘germ cells’)
 1 Asexual Reproduction
   The production of a new organisms from a single parents absent the involvement of sex cells ( or gametes) is called  asexual reproduction.
Some of the example of asexual reproduction are : binary fission in Amoeba; budding in Hydra; spore formation in Rhizopus fungus (or bread mould0; regeneration in Planaria (flatworm) ; fragmentation in spirogyra and vegetative propagation in flowering plants (like rose plants).
2 Sexual Reproduction
 The production of a new organisms through two parents by making use of their sex cells is called sexual reproduction. In  sexual reproduction the sex cell of one parent fuses with the sex cell of the other parent to from a new cell called ‘zygote’. This zygote then grows and develops to form a new organisms. Thus, in sexual
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reproduction, two parents are essential to produce a new organisms. The two parents which are presentation in sexual reproduction are called male and female. Our father is male and our mother is female. The humans , fish, frog, hens, dogs, cats, horses, lions, deer and elephants. Most of the flowering plants also reproduce  through sexual reproduction.
Male and female
 Our father and mother are male and female. Say that our father has male sex and mother has female sex. This means that a man is male and a woman is female.
An animal having male sex cells called ‘sperms’ in its body is called male. An animal having female sex cells called ‘ova’ ( or eggs) in its body is called female.
The cells present in sexual reproduction are called Gametes. The male gamete in animals is called ‘sperm’ and the female gamete in animals is called ovum’ or ‘egg’ and ova are extremely small cells which can be seen only the help of a high power microscope. Fusion of gametes gives increase to a single cell called zygote. The cell which is formed through the fusion of male gamete and a female gamete is called zygote. The function of fusion of gamete is called fertilization.
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The fusion of man gamete with a woman gamete to form a zygote during the sexual reproduction, is called fertilization. Also say that; The fusion of a sperm with an ovum to from a zygote during sexual reproduction, is called fertilization. The zygote grow and development to form of a new baby. The unborn baby in the uterus in the first stages of development is called an embryo.
In human being The sperms made in the testes of man are introduced into the vagina of the woman by penis during copulation (or mating). I this way, millions of sperms are released into the vagina at one time. The sperms are highly active and mobile. The sperms move up through cervix into the uterus. From uterus, the sperms transfer into the oviducts. One of the oviducts exist an ovum or egg cell released through the ovary during ovulation. Only one sperm fuses with the ovum in the oviduct to form a zygote. This is called fertilization.
Quantity of DNA Does Not Get Duplex During Sexual Reproduction
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The gametes are particular style of cells called reproductive cells which present only half the quantity of DNA (or half the number of chromosomes) as match to the normal body calls of a organisms. for example man sperm has 23 chromosomes and female egg has also 23 chromosomes. So, when  a sperm and an egg fuse together during fertilization, then the zygote formed will 23+23=46 chromosomes, which is the normal chromosomes.
 The age at which the sex hormones begin to be produced and the boy and girl become sexually mature is called puberty. The testes produce the male sex hormone called testosterone, and the ovaries produce two female sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone.
The many changes which occur in boys at puberty are: Hair grow under armpits and in pubic region between the thighs. Hair also grow on other parts of the body like chest and face.
The many changes which occur in girls at puberty are: Hair grow under armpits and in pubic region. Mammary glands develop and enlarge. Extra fat is deposited in different parts of the body like hip and thighs.
The human man reproductive system exist of the following organs ; Testes, Scrotum, Epididymis, Vas deferens, Seminal vesicles, Prostrate gland and Penis. The function of testes is to made the male sex cells called sperms and also to made male sex hormone called testosterone. The testes of a man lie in small muscular pouch called scrotum, outside the abdominal cavity. The scrotum temperature is about 3◦C lower than the temperature inside the body. The secretion of seminal vesicles and prostrate gland provide nutrition to the sperms and also make their further transport normal. the penis transfer the sperms from the male’s body into vagina in the in the female’s body during mating for the purpose of reproduction.
The human female reproductive system exist of the following organs : Ovaries, Oviducts (also called Fallopian tubes), Uterus, and Vagina. Ovaries are the primary reproductive organs in a woman. The function of ovaries is to make mature female sex cells called ova or eggs and also to made the woman sex hormones. The oviducts are not directly connected to ovaries but have funnel shaped opening which almost cover the ovaries. The two oviducts connect to a bag like organ called uterus or )womb) at their other ends. Vagina is also called ‘birth canal’ because it is by this transfer that the baby is born after the completion of development inside the uterus of the mother.
Menstruation : in normal healthy girl ovulation takes place on the 14th day of the beginning of menstrual cycle of 28 days. In human female the ovaries start releasing ovum or egg once every 28 days from the age of puberty. The breakdown and removal of the inner, thick and soft lining of the uterus along with its blood vessels in the form of vaginal bleeding is called menstrual flow or menstruation.
Menarche and Menopause
The first occurrence of menstruation at puberty is called menarche. The permanent stoppage of menstruation in a woman is called menopause. At the age of about 45 to 50 years.
Development of Embryo
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When the ovum is fertilized in the oviduct, then a zygote is formed. The zygote divides rapidly by mitosis as it moves down slowly in the oviduct and form a hollow ball of hundreds of cells. This hallow ball of cells, now called an embryo, skins into the soft and thick lining of the uterus and gets embedded in the it. The embedding of embryo in the thick lining of the uterus is called implantation. After the implantation, a disc-like special tissue develops between the uterus wall and the embryo (foetus), which is called placenta the foetus is connected to placenta in mother’s body through umbilical cord. It is by the placenta that all requirements of the developing foetus like nutrition, respiration, and excretion etc. are met from mother body. The time period from the fertilization up to the birth of the baby is called gestation. the average gestation period in humans ( duration of human pregnancy) is about 9 month or 38 week. Birth begins when the strong muscles in the walls of the uterus start to contract rhythmically. The rhythmic contraction of uterus muscles gradually pushes the baby out of the mother’s body by vagina


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